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How Pet Cameras Help with Separation Anxiety

Pet cams are anticipated to become a significant development in the pet industry, like nanny cams. Not only can they be a source of delight, but there are also numerous compelling reasons to acquire one and encourage your customers to do the same. Initially, it appears that pet cams are predominantly used to provide entertainment and enable pet owners to communicate with or observe their animals while they are away at work or on vacation. Nevertheless, upon being granted the opportunity to utilize a pet cam, pet owners quickly recognized that there were numerous additional benefits to owning a pet cam, particularly in the context of dog training for separation anxiety. The use of pet cameras effectively enables the diagnosis, management, and treatment of separation anxiety in canines. Numerous cameras are advertised as being suitable for use with animals. When purchasing a camera for your companion, it is essential to consult the following list of features.

Things to Look for in a Pet Camera

Send Notifications and Alerts to Phone

It is crucial to remember to always supervise the dog during the initial stages of the separation anxiety training procedure. However, in the future, when you have amassed a significant amount of time and wish to leave home to engage in activities such as running errands or dining at a restaurant, you will likely not be transfixed by the screen of your phone. A few cameras can transmit a text message to your phone if there is noise in the surrounding area. Some even specifically detect howling and issue alerts for it. This feature is particularly advantageous when you are absent for an extended period, as it will notify you if your dog is experiencing anxiety while you are away, necessitating that you address the issue. This will prevent the issue from being discovered later after it has been present for an extended period.


Continuous Recording

Some cameras are capable of recording when motion sensors are activated. Those cameras merely record transient excerpts, but there are complications associated with this. You must possess the technology to capture the entire training session, whether there is movement from your dog. Note that a dog can exhibit symptoms of anxiety while remaining stationary at this time. It is feasible that you may overlook these signals in real-time, even if you are remotely monitoring your dog; however, it is also feasible that you may detect them when you revisit the film later.


Real-time App for Monitoring with No Monthly Fees

It is of the utmost importance that the camera you purchase allows you to monitor your companion in real time. It would help if you observed your dog's behavior to ascertain its behavior in your absence. Purchase a camera that includes an application that can be downloaded to your smartphone to monitor your dog after you leave the house. Moreover, specific cameras require a monthly subscription to operate or save recordings to the cloud. If you wish to purchase a product without spending any additional money, you should ensure that the camera you purchase can save the footage to a micro-SD card rather than transferring it to the cloud.

Final Thoughts


Cameras are essential in the assessment and treatment of dogs with separation anxiety, as they allow individuals to observe the dog's behavior in real-time when it is left alone. Suppose owners possess a comprehensive understanding of body language and employ the skills they have acquired. In that case, they can conduct departure training and monitor their dog's mental state while it is alone at home. It is imperative that a camera to watch pets incorporate features that facilitate continuous recording, have a real-time viewing app, send alerts and notifications, and do not have monthly fees. Lastly, we are fortunate that technology today can help us be effective, although the training used to resolve separation anxiety is not always easy.